Looks fantastic. as usual, I particularly don't know if that's a button, or if its a TV on the side of the house with a witch on it. Hmmm.
Looks fantastic. as usual, I particularly don't know if that's a button, or if its a TV on the side of the house with a witch on it. Hmmm.
It’s basically a witch switch from Banjo Kazooie that spawn a jiggy if pressed.
That Mr dr eggman robotnic looks pretty good!
Thank you.
Do da le doo do da lee doo .. do lew dah dun.
Some special stage theme or stage clear theme perhaps?
This one looks good. Do a maniac mansion one!
I'll see what I can do.
Wow. You're amazing. Really killing it this year.
Thank you. I really enjoyed how this art looks in this vintage form.
this one looks really good. nice job
Tom should open up the NEWGROUNDS STORE (I can't stress enough) and sell this as a poster!
I hope the staff or people who work at Newgrounds can revitalize Newgrounds store. I miss the good old days...
very cool. Thanks!
Thank you! :D
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Age 36, Male
Gameshow Host!
Joined on 8/19/04